UV 2183/10000 Speaking Life into Dead Situations
Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
Ezekiel 37 v 4
The bones are the strongest parts of the human body that give us shape and vigour. We can stand or move or lie down on account of the bones. But the bones in order to be useful and living need to be connected with ligaments and tendons to muscles. Likewise our beliefs, actions and words need to be connected. We need to be connected with the Lord continually as bone with ligament, tissue and muscle. The word plays the role of connecting all things so that it is strong and purposive and not parts of a fragmented reality. Without faith, our lives would become so brittle that it would break into pieces and fragment. The bones or the strong frame of our lives need the sunlight of His righteousness if it is to be strong, life supporting and be able to produce and replenish the red blood corpuscles of the blood.
Without the word of God our lives are like dry bones. We do not have any hope of eternal life or of salvation. The Word fills our world with the oxygen of hope, with the gentle power of wisdom. The world without the word is a void, empty and without meaning or purpose. The word explains clearly why the world is created, how it was created by the Word of God who is Jesus. Without Jesus, the world would be a valley of dry bones. Faith in Him revives us, connects all the hitherto disjointed parts of our lives. He makes our lives wholesome, complete , strong and impactful.
When we speak the Word to the dried up parts of our lives, it will come alive again. The Word is the means by which the prophecy of Isaiah will come true that the mountains shall be brought low and the valleys shall be raised up, the rough patches will be smoothened. While sin, death and its consequences rule in this world, the Word restores the kingdom of God or the rule of the Lord in our lives. When we hear the Word, we begin to see the big picture and all the parts fall into place.
Prateep V Philip
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