UV 2204/10000 DNA of God
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
2 Peter 1 v 4
The chief purpose of biological replication and multiplication of various species is the propagation of the DNA of these species. Likewise but in quite a distinct way, the manger leader or manager is a receiver and transmitter of the DNA of God where DNA stands for divine nature as stated in this uni-verse. We are to be the likeness of God on earth. We inherit in Christ not just the promises of God but the divine nature of Jesus. The promises of God need to be claimed and appropriated in order to partake in the divine nature of Jesus. It is quite usual and familiar for us to claim the biblical promises to meet our physical , professional, relational, situational or financial need but seldom do we claim it in order to be Christ-like in our character, attitudes, behaviour, actions and reactions.
Jesus cleanses us with His sacrifice. He becomes the manifestation of Jehovah Tsidkenu or Righteousness. He clothes us with His righteousness by His grace. Life is no longer what Hobbes wrote, “short, nasty, brutish” nor as Rousseau wrote, “ everywhere we are in chains.” We are free from the chains of bondage to sin and the fear of death and eternal judgment. We have escaped the consequences of our corrupt nature and lust. Next, He works on us so that we participate in the divine nature. He gives us a new heart of flesh, a soft heart, a heart of flesh not of stone that is sensitive and responsive. He gives us a new spirit. He sends us the Holy Spirit as He promised the disciples, “ You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” He causes us to walk in obedience to the will of God in both hearing and doing the commandments, statutes, judgements of God.
A rich heritage of ten thousand promises are given to us in scripture. This is the reason I set a lifetime goal of meditating on all ten thousand over the rest of my life. There are promises of different kinds: promises related to provision of our need, protection, health, vindication against foes and enemies, promotion, guidance, salvation, transformation, self discipline, sanctification, work life, family, children, material blessings, finances, legacy, leadership, skill set, attitudes, security, past, present, future and eternity. In short, the promises cover all possible aspects of human life and aspirations. Jesus is the Yes and Amen to all of these wonderful, amazing, awesome promises or assurances of the Lord. It implies, first, that He has already affirmed that the promises will be fulfilled in our lives in real time and space. Second, it implies that He is the One who causes it to happen in our lives in due time. These come to us as part of the new covenant we sign and seal in the spirit when we invite Jesus into our hearts as Lord and Saviour. A lifting of our old yoke or bondage happens and our new divine nature begins to grow in us. Our old nature does not die in a moment or overnight but over a lifetime. The new divine Christ nature also is not full blown overnight but it happens over our lifetime. We need to feed and intake these promises along with the commands of the Lord into our bodies, minds and spirits. The promises give us the power or ability to obey the commands. The believing and appropriating of the grace or power of the Lord contained in each promise releases that power in our lives so that we are completely free from the chains and bonds of the past. The promises of God are described in superlative terms as “ exceeding great and precious promises” as these are backed by the immense and awesome power and glory of God that is beyond our human ability to understand, imagine or explain. Sometimes, the promises are fulfilled in our lives spontaneously or instantly but at other times, we need to trigger it by the exercise of our faith in a specific promise, prayer and a period of waiting patiently.
Prateep V Philip
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