UV 2191/10000 Maturity and Balance of Thought
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
I Corinthians 14 v 20
We are expected by the Lord to be children in terms of malice, deceit, evil of all kinds. We are not to be carnal or worldly in our thinking. As manger leaders or managers, we are to be guided in our thinking by the Wise Counsellor, the Holy Spirit who dwells in every believer. We are to be wise and understanding like Jesus who did not judge with His eyes or His ears but by the spirit of discernment, counsel and deep understanding. As far as our physical actions and habits are concerned, we are to be innocent like children. But in terms of our thinking and understanding, we are to feed on the Word and become mature and strong in our thinking as adults who cannot be easily swayed by
The crux of this uni-verse is that a child can be easily deceived, easily persuaded to change his views or beliefs. A manger leader or manager should not be like a child who is easily swayed this way or that. His beliefs and decisions should be based on firm convictions, diligent study and deep understanding. He cannot allow himself to be emotion or perception-driven. He follows the biblical pattern of thinking: cling to what is good, let go of what is evil. He does not allow the deceit of the passions of the flesh and the vain pride of the mind to destroy the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control.
The mature leader or manager knows that the difference between a genuine thing and a counterfeit one is very marginal or minimal, so low that one can hardly make out the difference unless one studies both diligently to see the hidden or tell- tale signs of the counterfeit. Likewise in matters of faith and life, the mature leader knows what is black and white or cut and dried or good and evil as well as he knows the grey areas which are not evidently either good or evil. Our minds should become magnets to attract and retain what is good and repel what is evil or harmful to ourselves or others in the short or long run. We need to pray over dilemmas, points of decision or doubts so that we get the active, practical assistance of the Wise and Wonderful Counsellor who is Jesus.
Prateep V Philip
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