Sunday, May 21, 2017

Our Crying Need

UV 2278/10000 Our Crying Need
And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?
Matthew 20 v 32

Two blind men cried out loudly when they heard Jesus was passing through the town of Jericho. It got the attention of Jesus who asked them, “What can I do for you?” The blind men said, “ We want our sight.” Jesus knew that the one thing the blind men needed most was their sight. They knew that Jesus could give them sight. It was for them an opportunity of a lifetime. They therefore did not ask for alms or a few coins of money as they would have to any other passerby. They asked for their sight. Immediately, Jesus had compassion on them and they received their sight and followed Him. Today, the Lord is passing near us. As we cry out to Him, He asks us, “What can I do for you?” Do we ask Him for alms or money? Or do we ask Him for the one thing we most need at the time. We need vision to follow and serve Him.

The one thing the blind men needed was also the greatest thing they needed. It was a need only God can meet. We need to ask Jesus the greatest need that only God can meet. The versatile capacity of Jesus to meet a variety of human needs in a variety of situations from providing wine in the wedding feast at Canna to raising Lazarus from the dead shows us that Jesus is able to do that which we need the most at any given time in our lives. We need to cry out to Jesus to get His attention. Jesus gave His full attention to the two blind men. When He turns to us, we should ask Him to grant us that one thing that we need the most, the one thing that only He can do. He will give His full and undivided attention. The two blind men received sight that enabled them to rise and follow Jesus. The two blind men used their hearing faculty to hear about the coming of Jesus to their vicinity. Their hearing of Jesus led to their receiving their sight. We too by hearing the word of Jesus can receive a vision. We too will receive that which will enable us to rise and follow Jesus the rest of our lives.

In the past week, I cried out to the Lord for the healing of a young wife and mother of two children. The Lord granted healing. The Lord is able to meet our every crying need. He has compassion on us and He is able to do that which we ask. The chief quality of Jesus in meeting human needs is not His ability but His compassion. He does not do miracles to prove He is God but He does it to fulfil our deepest need out of even deeper compassion. He knew the lifelong pain of the two blind men but He wanted them to exercise their own faith in spelling out their need and their faith that Jesus could heal and restore their sight. Today, Jesus is asking each one of us, “ What is it that you want me to do for you?” The gospel of Jesus asks us to “spell it out”. We need to spell out our need and the Lord will meet it so that we receive the good news of having that need met and our hearts will be overflowing with joy and gratitude like that of the two blind men who were healed.

Prateep V Philip

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