UV 2283/10000 Theography
Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:
Isaiah40 v 4
The Lord will alter the geography or landscape of our whole lives. I call it Theography. When we entrust our lives to Him, He will re-write in His own words that are immutable, irrecallable. The Lord will exalt the humble and God fearing to the commanding heights of the nation and of the world. Those who have built their own empires and wield great influence and power will be lowered and brought down to ground zero. Those who live without a thought of God are people who think they are smarter than their Creator, that their salvation in in their own hands. They will pursue illusions and delusions all their lives and be disappointed and dismayed at the end. But those who live in hope of the salvation of God will be lifted degree by degree to take their place. The big trees in the forest will be cut down but the small and humble trees will grow and flourish. The dry tree will become green and bear fruit to the surprise of people.
The faithful will not have any truck or link with what is crooked. They walk on the straight and narrow. The Lord will guide their steps day by day, moment by moment. Their feet will not get ensnared by the traps set by the enemy on the way. Their desires are shaped by the Spirit of God and are subjected to the principles embedded in the Word of God. They will hunger for righteousness and seek the glory of the Lord. Their lives will be blessed with many good things.
The difficulties that lie in our path are smoothened or removed by the Lord or He will endow us with strength to endure or overcome these challenges. The Lord as a good parent is more concerned with our character and inner strength than what we achieve in our lives. The resurrection power of Jesus will accomplish all these things in our lives. The Lord sees every believer as Zerubbabel or a governor of Israel, a royal descendant of the house of David. The Lord will remove the daunting obstacles or mountains that lie in our way and lay a smooth path before us to reach where He has planned and intended. When we become spokesman of the kingdom of God, He becomes the one who underwrites what we speak or the One who ensures that none of our words are vain or fall to the ground unaccomplished. Our mere thoughts, words and prayers will act like the miraculous seed of faith.
Prateep V Philip
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