UV 2822/10000 Pattern of Healing and Deliverance
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Psalm 34 v 18
Jesus is the Healer and Physician of the broken-hearted. He stays close to those who are depressed or downcast. When two of His disciples were so depressed about His crucifixion, one of the first things the Resurrected Jesus did was to walk incognito with them and comfort them with scriptures to show that this had to happen according to the will of God. Likewise, He walks close, often incognito and unrecognized, to those who are broken- hearted down to this day and time. One of the main missions and one of the aspects of the anointing that Jesus received and came into this broken world for is to heal the broken hearts. He extends His salvation to those who are crushed in spirit. He comforts those who mourn with a godly sorrow. If the brokenness is caused by genuine remorse at one’s own faults and willful failures to obey the commands of the Lord, Jesus gives His grace to overcome in that area of failing. When we are broken-hearted and repent, we humble ourselves before the Lord, saying, "We are helpless. We can do it only with Your help." The Lord then gives grace to the humble, as the Word promises.
Deep pain or sorrow is needed often to bring inner change. Genuine repentance brings radical change so that we do not repeat the same offence or act that offended or grieved the Holy Spirit and broke our own hearts. We need to resolve that we would do all that depends on us to avoid such acts or behaviour in the rest of our lives. We need to avoid our former corrupt communication that was driven by the lusts of this world. The Lord will give us His redeeming grace in respect of the areas of our lives where we are contrite or repentant, longing for God-induced and enabled change for the better. We need to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and identify those attitudes and actions of ours that saddens Him. The distinctive blessings that the broken-hearted need are sent our way in abundance and in a timely way.
If we are broken-hearted due to certain happenings or events in our lives, Jesus will prove in the words of Job that “Our Redeemer lives.” He not only lives but He is present right in the middle of the crises we face in life. He will apply the spiritual balm- the Balm of Gilead with His words that cause healing and deliverance from whatever affects us. In the Book of Revelation, it is seen that the mere touch of the Lamb of God that sits on the throne of Heaven is sufficient to dry the tears of the faithful.
Prateep V Philip
Good word
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