UV 2827/10000 The Pattern of Governance and Peace
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9 v 7
Even as the government of the Lord Jesus increases in and among us, the peace of the Saviour Jesus increases in and among us. History has shown us that even the mightiest of powers decline over time and come to an end. Empires and kingdoms rise and fall. But the throne of David is established forever in and through Jesus. The kingdom of Jesus lasts forever. The Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit is at work establishing it continually. It is not a kingdom of territory or armies or treasuries but a kingdom of hearts and minds united in obedience to the King who combines the power and dignity of the lion with the gentleness and humility of a lamb. It is a kingdom not based on suppression of truth but is founded on truth and justice.
Jesus rules over death, disease, inequity, injustice, disorder and every form of darkness. All other kings surrendered to death in the end while Jesus alone submitted meekly to death but rose as king even over death. Another distinctive aspect of the government of Jesus is that obedience though expected is not compelled at the point of a sword or gun. He expects and receives the willing and joyful obedience of people who acknowledge Him as the ultimate Governor of their thoughts, emotions, desires, actions and reactions. As each of us, submit ourselves in such willing and joyful obedience, we experience His everlasting peace in greater and greater measure. Peace in Jesus or Shalom is not a feeling or the mere absence of conflict but it is wholesome and comprehensive affecting every aspect of our lives, our longevity, our quality of life, our legacy, our offspring, our families, our friends, our foes, our homes, our health, our finances, our past, present, future and eternity, our spirits, minds and bodies. We are not passive beneficiaries or observors of His rule but we are also partners with Him in His kingdom. We are co-rulers with Him on the throne inherited from David. We are to execute His righteousness and justice in all our domains of influence. The laws and principles of our covenant with Jesus are as consistent and predictable as the covenant of the Lord with the day and night, with the sun and the moon, that these appear at set times and seasons in the sky.
The litmus test whether the government of Jesus is increasing in us is the increase of His shalom or peace in us. The peace He gives, the world cannot give or take away. If His peace is not expanding or increasing in us and among us from day to day, we should ask ourselves if our obedience to His eternal rules and principles are increasing or not. We can take His help or grace to obey Him in all things for He knows we are weak and unable to do it on our own steam. We are to be possessed by the zeal of Jesus- a kind of holy energy and motivation to do all that is pleasing to our Commander-in-Chief, the Lord of the armies of heaven.
Prateep V Philip
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