UV 2910/10000 Hear-t
And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
Luke 9 v 35
Jesus is given to humanity as a witness of the Father, a leader and commander to all people. He is given as the Way to personal salvation and eternal, the Word of eternal life vested in Him and the truth personified in Him. But above all He is the beloved Son of the Everlasting Father of all mankind, the Creator of earth, moon, sun and stars and all of the universe and you and me. The only thing the Father expects us to do is to hear Him. When we quieten ourselves to listen to Him, His voice, His words, His counsel, His admonition and His endorsement of us, we are obeying the Father. The heart of God is satisfied when mankind listens to His beloved Son. The voice that came out of the cloud was the same voice that created the world, the same voice that commissioned Jesus to be sent into this dark world. The same voice that spoke to and through Moses and Elijah. The significance of the appearance of Moses and Elijah is to endorse Jesus as the fulfilment of all that they spoke of in their sojourn on earth. They were the two human witnesses needed to give witness and evidence to the apostles and through them to all Israel and all humanity that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah.
What was admonition to Peter who was babbling out of amazement on seeing the transfigured Jesus with Moses and Elijah is instruction to us. We should not interrupt the communication and the vision we receive from the Lord. We must quieten our inner being and hear Him. When we hear Him, we will naturally do what He tells us. There is nothing about us that He does not know. There is nothing about us that He does not care about. There is nothing that He cannot do. Hearing Him is our act of faith, our act of worship, our act of obedience, our logical response of love.
The heart of man is made by God to hear truth, treasure truth, honour truth, respect truth, obey truth revealed by Him, not made up by human minds or imagination. The heart of man is wicked from birth as the Bible tells us and as we experience in ourselves and others. Our hearts are transformed as we hear Truth which is personified in Jesus. When we hear Him and think on the words of eternal life He has spoken to us or is speaking to us, our hearts are transformed, our minds are transformed, our bodies will also one day be transfigured like that of Jesus, Moses and Elijah. Every day as we hear Him, we experience our Mount of Transfiguration experience. We need to quieten the babble, the chatter within us and listen with faith to the words of Jesus. It pleases the Father when we set all things aside and take time and pay attention to the words of Jesus, His beloved Son for into His hands has all things been given in heaven and on earth. Now we hear Him not just as the promised Messiah but as the risen King of Kings to whom all bow from the humblest to the monarchs and sovereigns of our time.
Prateep V Philip
Thank You Brother Pratheep for taking time to pen this for all of us.
ReplyDeleteIt does encourage me to set time apart.