UV 2917/10000 The Door To Enter
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
Luke 13 v 24
Only the door is narrow in that one can enter only through the name, the blood, the person of Jesus but the narrow door opens onto the widest and well lit vistas of heaven, the widest perspectives that leave no human out of the possibility of receiving grace to salvation and perfection and illumination. Wide as the path is, it gets wider and brighter as one travels down. But it is the path less travelled as the trouble is that all the other doors of religion, philosophy, science, pleasure, power, wealth, influence, knowledge, wisdom, charity, status appear wider on the outside and once one is on the other side, it gets narrower and narrower and constricts one so that he can scarcely breathe. The wide path shown by the Lord is liberating while the narrow paths that lie behind these latter doors are suffocating and constricting.
But who can find the narrow door that leads onto the broadest road all the way to heaven, the eternal realm ? The ones who hear the voice of the Good Shepherd who does not rear the sheep or feed the sheep to shear the wool or kill them for flesh or food but instead sacrificed Himself for them. The Good Shepherd stands at the door and keeps calling out to the sheep. In fact, He becomes the very door to enter the road to heaven and that is why He declared Himself to all humanity as the Way (to Salvation), the Truth ( of Redemption), the Life Everlasting and Abundant. The moment we enter through Jesus, we are in the presence of the Lord Almighty, the awesome Creator, the Wonderful Counsellor, the Eternal King, the Friend forever. He then walks us down the pathway to heaven, step by step, day by day, experience by experience.
We only need to seek the Door with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind and all our strength and the Door will reveal Himself to us as clear as Day that He is the right door and all other doors conceal behind them the paths to damnation, strife, curses, misery though the doors advertise on its surface – freedom, joy, greatness, glory, blessings, abundance, prosperity, satisfaction. Though the Door to Eternal Life opens onto eternal treasures of His word and wisdom and will, the Door is never locked, always open and inviting to all. Like the TV Game called, Deal, No Deal, Jesus is the greatest deal offered to mankind to enter into the pathways to the blessings of the Lord but unlike the game, the Door is not kept mysterious or secret. It is marked “ ENTER Here” and the other doors are marked by Him, “Do not Enter.” The enemy comes often and tries to interchange the signs on the doors. More often, he plays a game with our minds so that we read the opposite. To enter the right Door, we should read the Word accurately as it is meant to be read.
Prateep V Philip
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