UV 3207/10000 God’s Leadership
As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:
Deuteronomy 32 v 11.
God leads man as an eagle takes care of its young. We are as vulnerable not just when we are infants or very young but all through our lives. He stirs us our nest or disturbs us in our comfort zones so that we have to venture out to fly. Even as we seem to be going into free fall with no safety net under us, He first flutters over us with a watchful eye. Then, like the mother eagle, swoops under us at the right height and speed to catch us on the pinions of her wings. He then bears us on His wings. He nourishes and strengthens us with His word. He places His word in our mouths for us to chew or meditate and assimilate. The Lord trains us to fly in this manner. When we are young and face threats from predators, He rushes to our aid. Though we make our nest on lofty heights, we remain humble for we know that without the Lord to sustain us, we would fall from perilous heights.
Even when we know how to fly, He circles around us with an eye on us. His eye instructs us where we should go and where we should desist from going. As we pray and wait on the Lord and wait for the fulfilment of His promises to us, He renews our strength like the older eagles that retreat to a rocky shore, shed all its torn and tattered old feathers and grow new ones and new wings. We too have the two mighty wings of prayer and the word with which we can mount to heaven and descend too at will. Our powerful beaks and talons are the spiritual gifts and powers the Lord imparts to us from day to day and experience to experience. With these we can triumph over all formidable foes, the forces of nature and the supernatural. We can wage spiritual warfare and catch the serpent of subtle temptation in our beaks or talons and take it to a different level where we prevail and not the enemy.
When we prepare for a meal of worms, the Lord prepares for us a sumptuous meal. He delights in satisfying our needs. We only need to be part of His flock and not lone rangers. We also need to take the same care we get to the weaker ones in the flock. We need to reflect the same leadership qualities of firmness with humility, power and compassion as the Lord has shown us all our lives. We need to be aware and vigilant of the ways of the enemy and pray always that neither we nor our loved ones and the not so loved ones become his prey. We fly high over the roaring lion, our common enemy and show our heels or our talons to him. We too stir up the young or inspire, mentor, guide them to take our place in due time.
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