Sunday, March 24, 2019

The One who Performs All Things

UV 3208/10000 The One Who Performs All Things
I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me
Psalm 57 v 2
When we cry out to God, He promises to undertake for us that for which we seek His help. In fact, He himself will perform all things on our behalf. He cannot fail us as His commitment is total, His power is awesome and unlimited, His knowledge is complete, His wisdom is deep, unfathomable and infinite. He is able to do that which He promised us. He is ever faithful to His every promise. We need to cry out to Him not in an attitude of doubt or fear or despair but out of hope, faith and confidence. No one can thwart what He has planned or thought of doing for us. But the moment we doubt His love or His ability or His faithfulness, we begin to sink like Peter sank in the water as he walked towards Jesus.
Our own past testimonies as well as that of others encourage us to trust the Lord. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to stir our faith as the angels used to stir the waters of the pool of Bethesda to cause healing to whoever first stepped in soon after. The five porches of the pool of Bethesda stands for five principles – faith in the existence of God, faith in the ability of God, faith in the grace and mercy of God in Jesus, prompt and persistent prayer accompanied by the knowledge of the word and the promises of God and finally, attributing all praise and thanksgiving to God before, during and after our prayers are heard and answered. We need to fan our faith into full flame and allow the “unconsuming fire” of the Holy Spirit to set our hearts and minds on fire. The Word provides the match to ignite that fire in us but the fuel is the Spirit of God. Our tongues should always be attuned to speak words of faith and not of doubt or of of fear or anger or bitterness of any other kind of negativity.
The word “unto” in the uni-verse is very significant. All our prayers and thoughts are to be directed unto God alone. Likewise, when the Lord accomplishes what we need or had sought in prayer, all praise, thanksgiving, glory, honour should be directed back “unto Him” alone who by means of His power, His love, His wisdom, His grace, His justice , His mercy working in us is able to do far more than we can think, ask or imagine. The words “Most High” implies that God should be uppermost or top priority in our lives. He is the chief source of our strength and our delight. His will is sovereign in our lives and we willingly and gladly trust His will for our lives in all things and submit to it. It does not mean however, that we do not put in any diligent or persistent efforts in whatever we are doing. Despite doing our best with whatever we know, the Lord whom we know personally takes care of the unknown factors in everything we attempt. It also does not mean that we will succeed in everything we attempt but that even if we fail, the Lord turns that for our immediate or ultimate good in ways we cannot foresee.

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