Sunday, July 21, 2019

Four Desiderata for the Homo Sapien- Growth, Strength, Wisdom and Grace

UV 3304/10000 Four Desiderata for the Homo Sapien -Growth, Strength, Wisdom and Grace
And the Child continued to grow and become strong ( in spirit), filled with wisdom; and grace ( favour, spiritual blessing) of God was upon Him.
Luke 2 v 40

Jesus, the God Child ‘s growth pattern is a model for all of us to emulate. As we are called children of God and are as such, we too need to grow all our lives. We need to become strong spiritually. We need to be filled with godly wisdom or as described in the book of James- be pure, peaceful, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. We need to grow in Christ, the knowledge of His love for He became for us the very wisdom of God- He became our righteousness, sanctification and redemption. We need the grace or favour and spiritual blessing of the Triune God upon our trinity of spirit, mind and body. When we grow rooted in Christ, we obtain the measureless favour of God upon our lives.

When we grow in the manner described in the uni-verse above, we are fulfilling the command of God at the beginning of time– dominos or leadership of the world given into our hands as His steward. We are fulfilling the command of God to multiply. We need only to multiply the fruit of our lives to be regarded as good and faithful servants of God. The Holy Spirit is given to us as a gift to aid and speed up the process of growth, the process of being filled with strength and wisdom and to walk in the grace of the Lord. As spiritually strong persons, we need to be faithful in using the gifts of the Spirit and in manifesting the fruit of character.

The wisdom of God will help us deal with our weaknesses, the limitations of our sinful nature, that affect our dominos or leadership. The grace of God will fill the gaps in our efforts to be Christ-like. This is how we fulfill the command of Jesus, “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” In the light of His light, we need to ask ourselves continually - Are we growing spiritually, in the knowledge of Christ? Are we being strong spiritually? Are we being filled with spiritual wisdom? Do we have the grace of God upon us? When the answer is "yes" to all these questions, then can we call ourselves truly, 'homo sapien' or wise man. Jesus is described as the “Yes and Amen” to all God’s promises or in other words, He will help us answer these questions in the positive and cause it to be.

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