Friday, July 12, 2019

Price for the Priceless

UV3296/10000 Price for the Priceless
Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honoured, and I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you and people for your life.

Isaiah 43 v 4

Life is priceless since it cannot be bought at a cost. Yet, we are precious in the sight of the Lord. He is the One who honours us. He loves us. He gave His most precious Son Jesus in exchange for us, in order to be a propitiation, a sacrifice, a penalty paid by the Lord God Himself. We therefore, owe it to the Lord never to worry, never to complain, never to think negatively or allow negative attitudes to develop in us. He is ready to give people in exchange for us. We are non-negotiable. He will never give us up or give up on us.

We are to value the things of the Lord of far greater value than the treasures of this life which is but a shadow of things to come in eternity. He covers us with His presence and fills our lives with His presents but His presents should never be valued above His presence. We need to reciprocate His love by loving Him with all our heart or in all our attitudes, with all our strength- with all of our body and physical senses, with all of our mind- or all of our thoughts, emotions, decisions, choices, actions. This is how we honour Him truly. This is how we show our gratitude towards Him.

We will have times of test and times of rest in our lives. But we need to focus on the locus, the Lord and Giver of Life. By doing so, we repel and drive away the locusts who rob us of cour health, peace, prosperity, reputation, testimony, relationships. We will have times of famine and times of plenty but the Lord remains faithful all through. Our faith will fill us with hope and patience and enable us to persevere through it all with our eyes transfixed on the Lord. He fills our eyes and our minds with good light of His grace, mercy and goodness.

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