UV 3407/10000 Distinction by Service
Then you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve Him.
Malachi 3 v 18
This uni-verse defines people as either wicked or righteous. The righteous are those who know God and serve Him while the wicked are those who do not serve Him. The latter by default serve the enemy of all humanity. If we know God we have no option but to serve Him. We serve Him by making our organs like our brains, our mouths, our hands and legs work for Him. We serve God when we speak of Him, when we teach His word. We serve God when we go places just for Him. We achieve distinction not by our good deeds or accomplishments but by our knowledge and submission to the only and absolutely holy Being- God.
The righteous and the wicked according to the above uni-verse are distinguished not by deeds but by the presence of God or by the personal relationship they have or do not have with the Lord. Whatever the righteous do is done in the name of the Lord and for His glory and by His grace or power. He is the be all and end all of our existence. As His faithful servants, we are always in awe of Him. We worship Him in reverence and adore Him with love. It is a combination of commitment, deep respect, humility, implicit obedience and curiousity to know Him more as well as desire to experience more of His love and power.
The servants of God are paid their due wages or just rewards both in this lifetime and in eternity. The wicked or those who do not chose to serve Him also receive their just desserts. The righteous receive the power from God to defeat the wicked. Their faith and character puts them in conflict with the wicked but they will eventually be victorious whatever be the struggle they face now. Often the wicked are the ones who are successful and powerful in this world. But the Lord acts on behalf of the righteous and ensures justice is done.
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