UV 3404/10000 New Visions, Old Fervour
Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43 v 19
Faith often depends on the quality of our hearing the Word of God. If we are listening intently, carefully, persistently, we are enabling the grace of God to work in our lives in ways we cannot imagine. The Lord will take our faith the way He took the five loaves and seven fish of the boy and multiplied it to satisfy the hunger of a multitude of people. He can and does do the impossible in our lives. He can create a road, a way out of our life’s challenges and problems in ways we cannot see or understand. He can cause life-giving, hope-giving rivers to flow from stony hearts and hardened minds. The metaphor of rivers implies a continuous flow of the Spirit of God in us, causing all kinds of fruit of the Spirit to grow on both banks the river flows through- the intellectual and the physical, the emotional and the spiritual, the social and the personal “banks” of life. The metaphor of roads in the wilderness is a promise that the Lord will remove the “mountains,” obstacles, barriers, hurdles in our paths. Jesus is the ladder that connects the wilderness of the earth, full of thorns and brambles with the beauty of heaven, the kingdom of God.
Very often in life due to our conditioning we are not God-aware. We are not aware of His presence as it is drowned in our consciousness due to competing voices and noises in our lives. If we can still all these distracting voices and noises including the chatter of our own minds, we will clearly sense the move of the Lord in our lives. The attention we pay to the Lord will eliminate all tension from our lives. Believers of Jesus should expect the miraculous, the supernatural, the inexplicable to happen in their lives. He will endow us with new gifts, new visions, new ideas, new skills, new consciousness. We must bring our old fervour to bear upon the new visions He gives us and bring it to fullness, fulfilment and fruition in His time.
In my professional career as a senior police officer, the Lord gave me many new ideas ( FOP, Social Justice Tea Parties, VOP, Factor X, Excenomics, State Assurance, Know Your Criminal.. ) which I tried to carry into implementation, trying to create bridges between the police and the people they serve. Many powerful and senior officers tried to scotch or scorn these ideas over the past three decades due to petty reasons but the Lord did a new thing as prophesied and promised by enabling me to win coincidentally the SKOCH awards for two new ideas I implemented. He surely creates roads in the wilderness beyond our wildest imagination and causes rivers of joy and gladness to flow upward to Him from our hearts and minds.
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