UV 3458/100000 Attitude towards Riches
“That I would not take anything that is yours, from a thread to a sandal strap, so that you could not say, “ I, (the King of Sodom) have made Abram rich.”
Genesis 14 v 24
Abram refused to take any share of the spoils of war from his ally the King of Sodom. He did not want the credit or honour for making him rich to go to the latter. He relied by faith on Jehovah. Jehovah had made him rich without adding any sorrow. The one sorrow he had of his not having an heir was also not affecting him as he believed in the promise of God. Indeed, it is written in the book of Proverbs that “When God makes a man rich, He adds no sorrow to it.” Most people try to become rich by their own efforts and have many sorrows pierce their hearts. They become weary and sacrifice everything else at the altar of wealth.
It is written in scripture that it is God who gives us the ability to make wealth. It was Jehovah who as one of the signs of favour upon Abraham invested him with wealth. Hence, God is not per se against wealth but He is certainly against wealth becoming an idol or golder calf in our hearts. We are to be industrious, enterprising and make use of every good opportunity to increase or multiply our resources. But our first priority in life should be to know God and to worship Him in spirit and in truth. The serpent leader tries to distract people by engaging them in the relentless and often ruthless pursuit of riches. Hence, the saying that “behind every great fortune there is a crime.”
We need to have a sense of contentment with what the Lord has provided for us this far even while we work hard to increase our substance. We should also set apart a part to give to others, to worthy or needy causes, to give to the less privileged and poor. We are to be also good stewards of our resources and not spend it in a wasteful, boastful or extravagant manner. We need to always seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Our goal should be not to be so poor that we curse our lives or so rich that we have no place or need for God in our lives.
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