UV 3481/10000 Joseph, the Colourful One
Now Israel(Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age, and he made him a (distinctive) multicoloured tunic.
Genesis 37 v 3
The name “Joseph” means to add. The Lord adds to the life of His faithful children many blessings of His kingdom. He gives us a multicoloured tunic, a spiritual one that would distinguish us. It is a multicoloured coat of gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. God first made man in His own image. That image was distorted by the advent of sin. But the advent of Son, the Son of God, the Servant Leader led to our being redeemed in the image of Christ. Like Joseph we are anointed or chosen to lead, to deliver people from death, from spiritual famine, to store up the grains of truth of His word in the barns of our hearts and minds, to distribute it to the needy that it will save them from spiritual starvation.
We are to use our multicoloured coat of gifts and fruit not to boast or gloat or to lord it over others but to serve as the Servant Leader both taught and demonstrated so often. To those who need counsel, we should give counsel, to those who need comfort, comfort, to those who need healing, healing, to those who need help, help. In everything we speak and do, we should measure if we are being the image of Christ, the Servant Leader, the One who lived, dies and lives to serve all without distinction.
We also have as our heritage of blessing to be a fruitful bough that overhangs the wall of a well. Our roots are always nourished with heavenly dew or moisture. Our sap is always rising in us. We are bearing much fruit for the glory of God and the needs of His people. In our garden, we have a bougainvilla creeper, overhanging a wall that is always full of flowers. I call it “Joseph,” the colourful and fruitful one. Our lives are to be colourful or attractive to others. We are to make the message of the Servant Leader, Jesus attractive to others.
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