Sunday, November 15, 2020
Reflections on The Morning Star
UV 3666/10000 The Morning Star
So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay ( close) attention to it as a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the Morning Star arises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1 v 19
The parallel verse for this uni-verse is in the book of Revelation chapter 2 verse 28: “ and I will give him the Morning Star.” Jesus is a distant star for most of humanity but to those who believe and trust Him, He is the Morning Star or the Sun of Righteousness who makes them righteous, who sheds the light of His love, truth and grace abundantly in their lives. It is prophetic knowledge for when science and human knowledge did not recognize the sun as a star that brought morning to all every single day, the Bible calls Jesus in more than one place, the Morning or Daystar on high. He is not a star who stays far away but visited us here on earth. He visits and stays in our hearts to light up our days and nights. Human civilization dawned with Him- the need to love, to render justice to all, to avoid barbaric violence, not to wreak vengeance all came with the visit of the Daystar or Morning Star.
Once we invite the Morning Star of Jesus to truly take dwelling in us , to know Him as Emmanuel- or God with us, God in us, there will be no place for mourning in our lives. For He alone can wipe every tear from every eye. We should not be sad or mournful or complaining of our lot unlike those in the world who grope in the darkness for meaning and hope. We have the hope of eternal life in Jesus. We have the precious unfailing promises of God embedded in the Word. We have assurance of forgiveness, hence, no guilt or darkness. We have victory in this world over sin and death, hence, rejoice. Love, agape love already demonstrated and daily experienced in Christ. Friendship in Christ, hence, never alone to bear our burdens. We have the heritage of our faith- amazing wisdom of the scripture, awesome songs of worship, wonderful fellowship for the kingdom of God consists of such as these. Peace with which Jesus endows us as He alone can. Faith, hope and love, the three greatest things of life that we can retain which we have in the Triune God who blesses us in spirit, mind and body.
The sun is just a star to the more distant planets, making no significant difference to the latter. The many angles of the star get transformed into the perfect circle of the sun due to our relative proximity from the Earth. Likewise, the closer we are to the source of our lives and of love, the strange angularities of our lives, the problems and issues get lit up into perfection. True, if we get too close to the sun or stay too long in the sun, we get burnt. That is where the comparison ends, for Jesus, the closer or more intimate we are with Him, the more blessed we are though His words do burn in our hearts. Indeed, when we get the perspective right, we get proportion, too. The Word is the lamp that when we pay close and closer attention to it, we get our perspective and our proportion right.
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