Sunday, November 22, 2020
UV 3672/10000 The Trigger Can’t Get Bigger
For nothing will be impossible with God.
Luke 1 v 37
The Lord God has done many impossible things. It will do wonders to our faith to recount some of these. He spoke the universe into existence. He used mud to form the first man and breathed life into him, formed the woman from his rib. He caused ten plagues to descend on Egypt in quick succession. He parted the Red Sea to let the Israelites cross safely to the other side. He fed the millions of Israelites with manna from heaven. He caused the Jordan to part to allow them again to cross. He caused the Jericho fort walls to fall when 300 Israelites marched around it seven times, breaking their pitchers and blowing their bugles. He caused an iron axe to float in the time of Elisha and executed many remarkable miracles in the life of Elijah, the prophet: feeding him in a time of famine using a crow. He filled the dry pits with water. He caused fire from heaven to consume the sacrificed meat. He extended the life of a king, Hezekiah. He caused the shepherd boy to slay a giant with a slingshot to his head. Even today, He can do these mighty wonders and miracles and cause us to deliver a slingshot to slay our threats. He causes us to win against our foes, whether many or few.
He turned water in six jars to turn into wine. He healed lepers of leprosy. He raised the dead and raised Himself from the dead. He fed the multitudes with just a few fish and few small loaves of bread. He healed the deaf and mute. He walked on water and caused the storm in the Sea of Galilee to immediately subdue. Even today, He can use us to subdue storms with our words. He causes healing from incurable diseases and raises the dead to life. He gave sight to the born blind. He healed the woman of a bleeding disease by just a contact with the hem of His robe.
We just need to mix our thoughts, feelings, words and actions with faith in His name and word and He can fix any impossible situation or problem. He causes the barren in any field to yield. He can throw any mountain or huge challenge into the sea, that is cause a very manifest, visible problem to disappear. He speaks and thinks in the language of the impossible. We only need to think and believe and confess or declare with our mouths that what is impossible for man is possible for God. He operates on quite another plane. It is as natural for Him to do the impossible with ease as to carry on with the natural that He has formed or created. I recall two years ago a well -connected person told me it is impossible that my batch would get promoted that year. I just remarked that God can and would do it in twenty four hours. Lo and behold! In twenty four hours, we got the information that our batch is being promoted. My words and faith triggered the miracle but it was God’s grace and power that accomplished it. Likewise, believers through history have experienced unexplained and unrecorded miracles. We pull the trigger of faith and God fires the gun to release the miracle we either seek or need. Whatever other weapon we possess in our life’s armoury, the biggest yet is our God connection, our faith in His power to do the impossible.
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