Sunday, April 29, 2018

Using Alpha Power to Be Brave

UV2933/10000 Using Alpha Power to Be Brave
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Deuteronomy 31 v 6

Jesus faced a horrible death on the cross with indomitable courage. It is written that He set His face like flint towards the cross when the hour came for His sacrifice. As a result, He accomplished more with His death than any person ever with their whole lives. The source of courage for the believer is the Lord God Himself. Since He is with us, we have nothing to fear for what can man or nature or the enemy of our souls do to us that He cannot avert or restore. The refrain throughout the scripture is : “Do not fear, be strong, be brave.” The promise accompanying is that the Lord will not fail us or forsake us. We have no reason to be insecure, disappointed, dejected or afraid.

This word or Alpha in us will give us the power. We need not repose our faith in our own strength, our own resources, our wealth or health but we need to depend only on the promise of the Lord to be with us, to go with us, to defend us, to fight our enemies on our behalf. When confronted with the formidable forces of the King of Assyria, King Jehoshaphat of Israel told his people not to be afraid for “ they who are with us is greater than they that are with them.” John also encourages us in this strain, “ He who is in us is greater than him who is with them.” The difference is to be noted that while earlier the Lord God was with the Israelites, now He is in us. He is the Immanent God. His presence not only surrounds us but is in us to release His Alpha power that gives us confidence, boldness and hope.

We can with the help of Jesus deal effectively and decisively with myriad fears like fear of death, fear of defeat, fear of success, fear of ill health, fear of loneliness, fear of old age, fear of enemies, fear of disgrace, fear of criticism, fear of opposition, fear of betrayal, fear of accidents, fear of poverty, fear of natural calamities, fear of the unknown and so on. We now work and live on the premise that nothing is impossible, everything is possible in Christ. We gain the courage of David who as a puny teenager volunteered to take on the mighty Goliath who terrified the entire Israelite army with his taunts and threats. David went only armed with the name of God, a sling and a stone but he obtained decisive victory. The Lord used his natural skills with the sling to obtain supernatural victory. David became a weapon in the hands of the Lord. So also, when we are faithful and when we overcome our fears in Christ, we become a mighty threshing instrument to cut mountains or great challenges and destroy hills or remove obstacles and barriers.

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