Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Using Alpha Power to Deal with Attitudes

UV 2926/10000 Using Alpha Power to Deal with Attitudes

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind

Ephesians 4 v 23

As new creatures in Christ, we need to have the mind or attitudes of Christ described by Him in the Sermon on the Mount. We are to continually renew our spiritual minds by renewing ourselves by the knowledge of His character and of His word or His Alpha power. We will not be corrupted by the influence of the deceitful lusts of this world but we avail of the power of the Holy Spirit to reinforce new boundaries of behaviour, speech and actions as well as reactions. The word or Alpha power will guide us in our decisions or choices as it will judge the desires and thoughts of our hearts.

Paul wrote to the believers in Rome that they should not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewal of their minds. The process of transformation is lifelong but renewal needs to happen every day of our earthly lives. We renew our minds in the image of Christ when we pray, when we worship, when we fellowship, when we study the Word and apply it in our lives. If we are sensitive and responsive from moment to moment, the Holy Spirit will point out to us the attitudes of our minds that we need to discard, the attitudes that we need to build and strengthen.

Our positive attitudes are the building blocks of our minds and indeed, of our lives and relationships while our negative attitudes are the stumbling blocks of our spiritual progress. The good news is that in Christ we can make a fresh start. Alpha power is the power to initiate change in us and sustain it while Omega power of Christ is the power to complete, to finish, to succeed in our attitudinal goals. Our attitudinal goals are to be like Him in humility, compassion, patience, hunger for righteousness, desire to bring peace to all people. Our attitudes opens the pathways of blessing from the Lord as promised in each of the beatitudes proclaimed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

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