Sunday, May 5, 2019


UV3249/10000 DNA

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Matthew 6 v 13

The Lord does not tempt anyone. But if we are overly blessed in one particular aspect, for instance – extraordinary intelligence or physical attributes, strength or wealth, we may be inclined to rely less on the Lord and more on ourselves, causing us to be proud, independent, stubborn. Even as Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He was preparing to deliver us from evil and its consequences. In fact, by His death and resurrection, He has delivered us from all evil. His power has released us from the power of sin though the presence of sin continues around us. The power to overcome temptations comes from the Lord, the Holy Spirit who constantly reminds us of our covenant and of the Word of the Lord.

IF we know Jesus as Lord, Saviour and King, He has set us free for He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The term “The way” is not defined precisely so that His grace is available to us for all life’s situations. He is the way to salvation, success, joy, fulfilment, righteousness, freedom, healing, deliverance, wisdom, power, justice. He is the One who is, who was and is to be, implying that He is sovereign and enjoys absolute power in all domains and realms of human activity. We invite the rule of God in all aspects of our lives. We cannot have Him in one area of our lives and shut Him out of others as it is impossible to prevent the sunlight to spread everywhere to dispel darkness.

The shadow of evil in our lives that blights all that we think, speak and do is replaced by the shadow of the Almighty. The God-man gap is bridged by Jesus. Now that we share godly attributes as we, too, are children of God, we begin to share the power of God. The more we exercise the power of God, the more we accomplish for the kingdom of God and advance the glory of God. We become instruments to deliver the world of evil. We continually combat evil at two levels- evil within us and evil around us. Evil as the word indicates is a byproduct of the devil while good is the byproduct of God. When we consistently aim to do good and do good, we acknowledge the God or Christ nature in us and deny the evil nature. Our faith in Jesus alters our DNA where DNA which mean devil nature altered to divine nature.

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