Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Yeast of Influence

UV 3253/10000 The Yeast of Influence
He told them still another parable: the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.
Matthew 13 v 33

God wants His children to be Very Influential Persons and not Very Important ones. The purpose of life apart from being saved by faith in His Son Jesus is to be positive influencers par excellence in this world. The uni-verse that contains one of the shortest of parables implies that we should veritably be the yeast of influence in this hardened world to soften hearts and minds. The Son rises in the yeast. He is the One who causes us to be uplifters of the souls of mankind.

While we are to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees or of religion and hypocrisy, we are to welcome the yeast of the Word of God. Faith in God softens the hardened heart when we first experience the agape love of God expressed through the sacrifice of Jesus. We are to be the yeast that causes hope to rise in the hearts of people around us. Faith influences and impacts all aspects of our lives. No part of our lives can be excluded from the influence of Christ.

The yeast of faith in Christ has to be mixed proportionately in all spheres and aspects of our lives so that we lift up or glorify God in 360 degrees. We should not carry any part of our unused potential or gifts to the grave. If we do so, we are like the unfaithful servant who buried the one talent that he was given. Instead of complaining that we do not have more talent or skills or abilities, we need to be faithful in using whatever the Lord has placed in us or with us. One talent with dedication and the grace of God can do the work of ten without the multiplying factor of faith, the grace of God manifested in Christ, the anointing and enablement of the Holy Spirit.

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