Wednesday, May 29, 2019

@ Etude-The Blame Game

UV 3266/10000 @ Etude- the Blame Game
And the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me- she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
Genesis 3 v 12

When God questioned Adam as to who had told them that they were naked and whether they had eaten the forbidden fruit, he instantly resorted to the blame game. It was almost as if he blamed God Himself for having given him the woman to be with him. He passed on the responsibility to the woman when he should have provided the leadership and taken the decision himself after recalling what God had charged him not to do. Eve also passed on the blame to the serpent spirit who she said had beguiled and deceived her into disobeying the Lord. We find this blame game today between nations, heads of government, in families, between partners, colleagues and the management teams in corporates around the world. Ownership of onus once a mistake occurs is rare, if ever it happens.

We need to listen to the Head- Christ Jesus, hear the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit reminding us of the word of God that we had learnt and own responsibility for our choices. The buck stops with us and we cannot pass it on. Whatever God has given us, we need to use it with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment. We need to respect the moral and legal boundaries of choice and not err by crossing it to our peril. In every organization, profession, relationship, there are things we can do and things we just cannot do. We have to steer clear of the latter and stay well within our area of freedom. If we err and fail to do so, we need to face the consequences. Unfortunately, the consequences often affect others and sometimes for generations, together as did the disobedient and careless act of the first man and woman.

Today, the enemy of the human soul does not appear as a serpent but often could morph into another human or even a passing thought in our own minds. He knows best how to exploit the chinks in our moral and spiritual armour. We need to, therefore, arm ourselves with the Word that keeps his influence from penetrating or affecting our decisions. We need to remove our rational or emotional armour and wear the full spiritual armour of Christ. At the end of the day, we should know that the onus is on us to choose what is good and approved by God and not what is expressly forbidden.

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