Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Super Structure of Our Lives

UV3257/10000 The Super Structure of Our Lives

People may build on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw

I Corinthians 3 v 12

The eternal, internal and spiritual foundation of our lives is Christ Jesus. Our Salvation in Jesus is our rock foundation. Nothing can change it, nothing can shake it. But what we build on top of the rock foundation is volitional, optional and individual. Since human beings build during good weather and take breaks in bad weather, we are normally building for good times. The real test of a structure comes in inclement weather when the winds blow and the rains pour down. We should build our lives on Jesus to outdo and outlast bad times, when the chips are down. The principles Jesus teaches us are the strong pillars of our lives. Our application of it are the cross beams. Every choice we make should be in reference to the chief cornerstone – Jesus. The Word is our plumb line to test if our walls are straight or being built out of alignment with the Master’s plan.

We should not build our lives with cheap stuff, materials that we can easily get without much effort –like hay, straw or wood but build with what is incombustible, diamonds that are hard to get and also hard or impossible to break, pure materials like gold and silver that have already been purified, tested and certified. We are to build not only to be resilient but to be beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. The super structure build on the strong foundation of Jesus is one of good words, good deeds and not just good intentions. Our good works will be tested with fire of the Holy Spirit who searches our inner motivations, the attitudes of our hearts.

Gold, silver and precious stones are metaphors for what is good, noble, true, beautiful, praiseworthy, enduring, faithful, overflowing with love. Before we speak a single word or do a single action or reaction we should run it seven times through the furnace of our minds stirred by the Holy Spirit and burning with the Word. It would then emerge as the book of Proverbs puts it, “apples of gold in settings of silver.” We build our lives not to impress or win the approval of people but to please God, our Creator and Redeemer. We build our lives so that it is worthy for God to dwell in it. We build our lives as temples of worship on the templates of the Word. We build not to conform to the patterns of this world but the patterns of the Word. For a building to outlast fire, it needs to be fire proof, heat resistant. Our lives should be destruction-proof, sin-proof, compromise-proof, error-proof.

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