Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Trusting, Testing and Resting

UV3261/10000 Trusting, Testing and Resting
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 143:8

A trusting relationship goes through times of testing as well as resting. The sun rises and sets in the same manner every day but the Lord reveals a new dimension of His love every morning. Unlike the sun, He never sets over us. Even when we are going through our darkest moments, our toughest days, our periods of intense testing, He is beside us. In these testing times, His word of comfort brings joy to our hearts. He strengthens us so that we can endure the test. But He does not always test us for He gives us periods of rest. He reserves the best of blessings for His children and reveals it one by one to them. In these periods of rest, we can bask in His love as people do in bright sunshine on a cool day.

The Word of God is like a drink of cool water to a thirsty man on a hot summer day. We feel refreshed, energized, enabled as we make God’s word our words. The Lord gives us both guidance and encouragement through His word. He will show us how to endure the testing times of trials, temptations and troubles as well as how to thoroughly enjoy the times of rest. He will teach us how to avoid the snares or traps of spiritual serpents and enemies who constantly try to beguile us to accept their word over God’s as he did with the first man. He teaches us how to trump over temptations, trample over serpent spirits, triumph over evil. We do not look to the mountains or the mighty ones on Earth for recreation or sustenance or help for He has re-created our spirit being in Christ. Neither the short- lived pleasure of temptation or the long- lived pain of affliction can either attract or deter us from following Christ.

We do not mortgage our souls to the enemy in return for wealth or fame or power but engage our souls with Christ. We lock ourselves into a covenant, a love relationship based on mutual trust and commitment through thick and thin. His word explains to us the length of His love- eternity, the depth of His love-infinity, the breadth of His love- all encompassing, the power of His love – absolute. There is no scope left for doubt, fear, hesitancy, double mindedness, turning back or away.

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