Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Absolute Power and Absolute Love

UV 4207/10000 Absolute Power and Absolute Love “Therefore,”says the Lord, “ behold, I will make them know My power and My might; and they will know and recognize (without any doubt) that My Name is the Lord. Jeremiah 16 v 21 The Lord is sovereign and His will reigns supreme in the entire universe, earth and in heaven. He reveals His power and might to both His own and the world. He manifest His power on behalf of His children, sanctified by their faith. He recognizes that we belong to the bloodline of Jesus, His only begotten Son, Our Saviour. But He also executes judgement and His will on earth that others might know this. The world has inherited only lies and illusions and the Lord exposes these lies and illusions through the events He allows or causes in our lives. He raised up Moses in the house of the mighty Pharaoh to reveal His power and might. He rescued Moses from the latter’s judgement and then called Moses to deliver the enslaved Jews from their bondage in Egypt. That was the very first freedom movement which set in motion other freedom movements around the world in history. God gave Moses the strength, courage, conviction and persistence to persuade Pharaoh through many events to “Let My people go!” We need to know, believe and recognize that the name of God is Jehovah, the God of Abraham. He is the God who does impossible things like enabling the aged Abraham and Sarah to have a son. God revealed His power and might through the life and ministry of Jesus. No thirty three year old or for that matter a person of any age impacted humanity to this day like Jesus. He did many amazing wonders, miracles, healing, deliverances, proving He is the same as God and one with Him. The greatest miracle He did after dying on the cross by being resurrected from death three days after. Soft, gentle but powerful words accompanied His mighty deeds. In my thirty three plus year career as a police officer and indeed as a student even before that I have often experienced the manifestation of the power and might of God in my life. He is truly awesome in His power, grace and love. Unlike other seemingly powerful humans, He is always approachable, accessible, gracious and gentle. He never shows any iota of power more than is needed in any situation. He is the only possessor of true power, absolute power, eternal power and yet remains without a trace of contamination or corruption. His absolute power and absolute love come together in Christ. Hence, He is a refuge and shelter to all who seek in Him comfort, rescue, help, counsel, protection, guidance, deliverance, healing, success, victory, peace and salvation of souls.

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