Sunday, August 15, 2021

Restoring Vision

UV 4204/10000 Restoring Vision They answered Him, “ Lord, we want our eyes to be opened.” Matthew 20 v 33 The current pandemic that has killed 4 million people so far, in my opinon is a “plandemic” and an avoidable global disaster orchestrated by organisations that stand to monetarily and otherwise benefit from it. Even a simple slingshot remedy if recommended and made known to all, like using an effective mouth wash twice a day, within a gap of twelve hours will sanitise the sensitive passages of the nose and throat and prevent the virus germinating inside the human body. Despite this being shared over and over again on social media, the remedy is not accepted but by few. I am reminded of Jesus’s saying, “ The blind leading the blind!” He was, of course, referring to spiritual and intellectual blinding of people. It causes people to fall into the ditch, the grave. In this uni-verse quoted above, the two blind men were crying out to Jesus. Jesus asked them what they want. They replied that they wanted their eyes opened. They did not cry out for alms or any other help but they wanted deliverance from blindness. They had faith that Jesus had the power to restore vision to them. Likewise, in the case of spiritual and intellectual or cognitive blindness, if leaders and those led cry out for their eyes to be opened, Jesus is able to restore vision to them so that they are not blinded to truth, knowledge, wisdom and understanding. But we must have the desire for full vision or our vision to be restored. We need to have faith that Jesus who knows all things and sees all things is able to restore our vision. Instead of crying out for lesser benefits like alms, we need to cry out for restoring of our vision, for the opening of our spiritual and inner eyes. Our eyes should be opened like the disciples of Elisha to see the power of God, to experience the grace and amazing deliverance by the Almighty from the ills of this world. For the scales to fall off from eyes, the scales that blinded we need only to scale up in our faith. We need to trust Jesus more and fear evil less. Fear reigns on this earth in the current global pandemic with no easy solution in sight but the Lord is able to deliver us and open our eyes so that we ourselves can perceive a simple slingshot remedy to the illness.

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