Friday, August 13, 2021

Clinging to the Promises of God

UV 4203/10000 Clinging to the Promises of God For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ, they are ( all answered) “Yes”. So through Him we say our Amen to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1 v 17 It is interesting that the uni-verse says that the promises are all answered, all fulfilled in Christ already. This is the reason, we need to thank the Lord even as we pray for a specific request. He is the Lord Amen, as He is called in the book of Revelation and causes all things to hold together like the joints in our bodies or like the human brain that directs the body parts. He is the One who is the reason the Tri-une God answers our prayers, receives our thanksgiving and offering of praise and worship. He is the guarantor of the ten thousand promises contained in scripture. The promises are both personal, specific and eternal. It is the manna that we can collect and store in our hearts, the manna that will not spoil with such storage. It is the trigger of faith and the lever that releases grace from heaven towards us. Jesus Christ is the One who fills the infinite, otherwise unbridgeable gap between us and God. He is the One who facilitates or makes possible our approach to the throne of God to present our petitions. Each promise verse comes with a condition to be fulfilled. For instance,” Call unto Me and I will show you marvellous things that you do not know of.” The act of calling or crying or praying to the Lord with faith is a precondition. Another generic promise covering our whole lives states, “ I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.” The precondition implied is that we need to align our selves, our own plans with the will and plan and purpose of God for our lives. The enemy has plans or plots to harm us. We need to be wary of the latter and embrace the former. It takes the exercise of our spiritual authority and wage spiritual warfare to bind the plot of the enemy and total trust in the plan of God for our lives. Hence, the believers or followers of Christ do have an outline of their lives laid out before them. They may not know the details upfront or now but it will unfold over time as they walk and trust the Lord step by step, day by day in alignment with the plan of the Lord. That plan is also not revealed at one shot but we come to know of it through the course of our lives. Jesus is the Progenitor or producer of everything good in our lives even as the enemy is the one who plots anything evil against us to harm us, to deprive us of our peace, our confidence in the Lord. Hence, instead of being drawn to the bling of this world, we need to cling to Jesus and fling out anything that distracts us from our focus on Him.

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