Thursday, August 12, 2021

Two Inner Attitudes- Triple Benefit

UV 4202/10000 Two Inner Attitudes-Triple Benefit The reward of humility ( that is, having a realistic view of one’s importance) and the (reverent, worshipful) fear of the Lord is riches, honour, and life. Proverbs 22 v 4 Humility is derived from the fear of the Lord. When we humble ourselves before God, that is the ultimate humility. To deny God exists is arrogance of ignorance of man, the only creature who knows instinctively that He is, He exists, He rewards such faith. Fear of the Lord is, in turn, expressed in terms not of quivering and trembling as we normally understand the word ‘fear’ but in terms of reverence, adoration, obedience of the invisible Lord and His visible word. The word promises that if we humble ourselves before God, He will lift us up in due time. Due time could well be, here and now on earth or later or in the eternal realm. The promise that comes from an attitude and habit of humility is that we will reap in due time riches, elevation or exaltation or honour and abundant, eternal life. The riches do not imply merely monetary or material wealth but “wellth”. The covid pandemic has taught humanity that health is more significant than wealth and is in fact, the true wealth. Without health, we cannot enjoy any other blessing though the believer continues to be joyful, worshipful, reverential even in times of ill health. Humility and reverence for God are two complementary qualities that we can choose to practice consistently. The two qualities bring us three benefits- riches ( in a holistic sense), God-ordained honour and the blessed and not messed life. Humility has other implications and nuances, once we have satisfied the requirement to humble ourselves before God. We need to be kind, gentle, polite and not boastful or egoistic with other fellow humans as well as other creatures of God. Humility does not come from a mere inner resolution but from a right standing with God through faith in Jesus. It is a fruit of the Spirit of God, implying that the seed is planted in our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit nurtures and helps us grow in humility. Humility is essential to gain favour with both God and man.

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