Monday, November 22, 2021

Only Hope, No Hype

UV 4275/10000 Only Hope, No Hype Kings will be your attendants, and their princesses your nurses. They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth and lick the dust of your feet; and you shall know ( with an understanding based on personal experience) that I am the Lord; For they shall not be put to shame who wait and hope expectantly for Me. Isaiah 49 v 23 This uni-verse is an almost unimaginable promise that the children of God, the servants of God will be served by the leaders, the nobles, the royal class who are so accustomed to only being served. It also says that the latter will be subservient to the servants of God. When this happens, we shall know that it is only the Lord at work. We, who serve Him are also priests and kings. As priests of the Most High, in the eyes of God, we enjoy a higher status and closeness than the kings of the earth. What we speak shall fall to the earth and bear fruit. It will bear the fruit of salvation in the hearts and lives of our hearers. For faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God spoken by and through us. We who hope in the Lord will never be disappointed. We will not be put to shame in front of the unbelievers, our opponents. The Lord will carry out that which He has promised us. We only need to wait with expectation and hope. We need to wait with thanksgiving and praise as we recall the miracles He has already wrought in the lives of people and in our lives, too. Our understanding of who God is, who the Great I Am is, who Jehovah is, who the Trinity is, who our Redeemer, Counsellor and Comforter is- the basis of our hope and our experience. Our knowledge of who God is, is based on His word. Kings cannot rule over their personal demons or weaknesses. But the Lord, the Holy Spirit will enable us to rule over the demons. Two can put a legion to flight. We can bind the strong one- satan and his agents such that they have no say in our lives. Kings cannot release the power of heaven on earth but, we can both bind and release the power of heaven on earth. What we declare in faith, decree in the authority Christ clothes us with as His co-heirs and partners on earth, the Lord will bring to pass in our lives. Every king succumbs to death while the King of Kings Jesus did not succumb to death. Death is almost all powerful and universal but Jesus proved Himself more powerful than death through His resurrection witnessed by scores and hundreds of contemporary witnesses.

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