Monday, November 8, 2021

The Food for Soul that Endures

UV 4264/10000 The Food For Soul That Endures Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures ( and leads) to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you; for God the Father has authorized Him and put His seal on Him. John 6 v 27 Jesus chastised the people who came looking for Him out of gratitude that He had fed them when they were hungry. He asks them to cherish not the earthly food but to relish and treasure the eternal food, the spiritual bread that He gave them. The Father had authorized Him to feed them with the food of eternal life- the Word. This is the food of our souls that will never spoil or perish or allow us to perish. This is the food that will cause us to flourish both in this world and the world to come. Jesus has placed His seal of authority, power and approval on this food. It will work on our internal and our eternal. We will be satiated with earthly food but the more we have of eternal food, the more we experience of the eternal and spiritual dimension. We will feel satisfied and yet, we will long for more. We are not to work for food that gets corrupted easily but for such food that lasts forever. The word will work in us and transform our lives from within. The word of Jesus is what encourages us, strengthens us, inspires us, fills us with eternal hope and assurance. We are to lap it up like a dog laps milk, like Gideon’s 300 volunteer force lapped water from their palms. The word is the seal of authority and approval the Father affixes on our lives. We are stamped with the words, BRAND NEW, as we are washed in the blood of Jesus, clothed in the clothes of salvation. Our stomach juices work on physical food but the spiritual food works on us, on our inner being, on our character, on our goals and values. We cannot earn the bread of life with the sweat of our brow but we inherit it by the grace of Jesus and our faith in His name. As the food in us, the word of Jesus endures, we endure. The world and all in it will perish with all its power structures but the word in us will never perish and never allow us to perish. Jesus has sealed us with the seal of authority and approval even as He is sealed by God, the Father. Just as Jesus called Himself while on earth as the Son of Man as that was His assumed status on earth, we are to regard ourselves as Sons and Daughters of God as our primary status, our eternal destiny.

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