Thursday, November 11, 2021

Seeking Implies Hundred Percent Commitment

UV 4268/10000 Seeking Implies Hundred Percent Commitment Seek the Lord ( search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life), all you humble of the land who have practiced His ordinances and have kept His commandments; Seek righteousness, seek humility ( regard them as vital). Perhaps you will be hidden ( and pardoned and rescued) in the day of the Lord’s anger. Zephaniah 2 v 3 To be forewarned is to be forearmed. In this uni-verse, the Lord wants us to seek Him or pursue and follow Him with all our heart, mind, strength and imagination. All other human pursuits and desires cannot save us from His judgement, His anger. Next to the person of God, we need to seek His word and to obey or practice the principles He teaches us daily from it. We need to check if every step we take, every word we speak, every thought we think is in conformity with His word. Seeking implies hundred percent commitment to that which we are seeking. Half measures and compromises simply would not do. The third thing we need to diligently seek is to be like God in His righteousness, to imitate or emulate His Son in His character of humility and gentleness. Even doing all this does not entitle us to salvation or eternal life. We have to yet rely on the mercy and grace of the Lord for not one of us can be perfect in all three aspects of our relationship with the Lord, of our obedience to His word, of being Christ-like. Hence, it is grace from beginning to end that saves us and not our own efforts. That said, our efforts should not lag behind in zeal or sincerity. Five D’s distinguish us from the rest of humanity: Devotion to God- our constant and diligent seeking of the Lord. Dedication to do His will, to consecrate our hearts and lives to Him. If we are zealous for God, He will not be jealous of us. For it is written that God is both jealous and possessive of both His glory and His children, His followers, the believers of Christ, His Son. Devotion to God and dedication to do His will in our lives should be followed in practical terms by personal determination never to give up, to keep pursuing with all our hearts and all our energy and resources and abilities, the goals we have set for ourselves in alignment with the word, will and calling of God. The fourth D -Discipline is needed to cut out distractions, to be focussed on our goals and priorities, to use our limited time on Earth well enough to earn the Master’s commendation. The fifth and final D is Diligence- to learn from all possible sources in this world including teachers, mentors, advisers but to primarily study the Word and learn from the Word and the Spirit of God the right or better ways to do things. When all five D’s are in place in our lives, our challenge would be to stay humble and dependent on the Lord and not to think of ourselves better than anyone else. The metaphor of clothes of salvation implies that our clothes can be soiled, torn or removed at any time. The attitude of the saved sinner, the humble servant of God, the penitent prodigal would keep us from the threat of spiritual pride and self righteousness.

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