Monday, November 8, 2021

The Rock that Makes Our Lives Rocking

UV 4265/10000 The Rock that Makes Our Lives Rocking And all ( of them) drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ. I Corinthians 10 v 4 This uni-verse refers to the rock from which the Israelites obtained water to drink when Moses struck it in anger instead of speaking to it as Jehovah had directed him to. Our spiritual rock under the new covenant is Jesus, the Christ. Our life rocks as Jesus is our Rock foundation. He is the mobile Rock that follows us wherever we go and we can obtain our drink to quench our spiritual thirst at will. He is the unchanging rock despite all our changing circumstances. He is the Rock that refreshes, renews and revives us spiritually. He is the Rock that is stronger, much stronger than I, higher, much higher than I. He is the Rock that shelters us in the storm and in the sunshine of our lives. The word of God is like an overhanging crop of rock that gives us hope of eternal life. It keeps us from the harsh experiences of the desert that this life is without God, without Christ, without hope. Even when we feel hemmed in, we can touch the hem of His robe and be healed, cleansed, renewed in hope and strength. Belief in Jesus produces hope in us that we can be all that Jesus is- the Door in terms of new opportunity, new blessings, new experiences of God’s mercy and grace. The Light of the world in terms of illuminating the darkness, the hopelessness, the meaninglessness, the powerlessness of earthly life without God, without Jesus. The Water of Eternal life that can quench the thirst of people for love, for hope, for meaning, for purpose, for power. Inasmuch as we believe in Jesus, we become like Him the Bread that sustains people, nourishes, strengthens, meets needs of humans like us. We become the true vine by which other people in association with us will find their lives fruitful. We are the Good Shepherd who leads, guides, people away from death, dangers, evil towards eternity, freedom, safety, progress. We as long as we are connected with Jesus become the Way to understanding, teaching and applying truth in our lives. Finally, we are like Jesus the hope of resurrection from death, the inspiration to live the abundant life. While we are all this in Christ, a new creation, we should avoid like the ancient Israelites complaining about anything and instead, praise, thank and glorify the Lord in all things.

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