Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Highest Court Rewards Persistence

UV 4277/10000 The Highest Court Rewards Persistence And will not ( our just ) God defend and avenge His elect ( His chosen ones) who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay ( in providing justice) on their behalf? Luke 18 v 7 Jesus uses the parable of an unjust, insensitive judge who in order to end the disturbance caused to him by a persistent widow resolves it in her favour, to drive home the need for faithful persistent prayer. We need to PUSH or pray until something happens. God is not an unjust judge but a compassionate Father, Master, Friend. If there is something unjust that we want justice or it could be an answer to a prayer, we should never ever give up but with thanksgiving, praise and confidence in the goodness and ability of God to resolve it, keep persisting in prayer. Jesus, knowing the Father, promises that He will not delay like the unjust, callous judge but rush to our help. Why is there a need for persistence? Like in our human courts, the adversary side would bring up objections to the Lord doing that which we ask or pray for. The adversary attends the court of God like a modern day public prosecutor would and raise many objections that need to be overcome by us by constant appeals to the mercy and compassion of the Lord. We should also check our own hearts and see if there is any unconfessed sin, any sinful habit or relationship we are currently involved in, any bitterness or unforgiveness to anyone else. We should confess and get rid of the burden of such sin, end any sinful action or habit, remove any doubt or fear that weakens our resolve to seek justice from the Lord. At the end of this narration, Jesus wonders whether in the last days when He returns as Judge and King, whether He would find such persistent faith on the earth. We should always recall that the earth is the footstool of our great Judge and King and not wait for His return but always be at the feet of Jesus, seeking His presence, His counsel, His grace, His wisdom, His mercy, His power. Through such persistent seeking of the King, we will beat the enemy, our adversary and His accusations, beat the obstacles to our faith, overcome our own fears, doubts, weaknesses. The Holy Spirit is our Pleader, Comforter, Interpreter, Counsellor, Remembrancer, Advocate, Amicus Curaie in the high court of the Lord. Scripture says that Jesus, Himself is our Advocate before the judgement throne of God and He, knowing our afflictions, our trials, our weaknesses and having been tried and tempted in every way any human would have been subjected to trials and temptations, assures us of ultimate, if not immediate victory. One other reason, God does not concede immediately our requests and petitions is to build Jesus-like patience and character in us.

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