Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Attached and detached like a lotus

UV 234/10,000 Amazing Principles of the Uni-verse revealed verse by verse Philippians 2 v 15 Attached but detached like a lotus in the miry pond Php 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; This uni-verse recognizes the reality of the world around us being crooked and perverse. We live in a grossly imperfect world that is not even trying to be perfect. Yet, we as children of God are called to be perfect. In ourselves, we are not perfect since we are cut out of the same flawed stone or the same miry clay. But, as we obey the Word of God, we reflect His perfection by grace in different areas of our life, character and contribution. Often, I am asked how can you stand for righteousness in a department that is known for corruption, brutality and negativity. I reply, “ The dimmest light shines brightest in the darkest night.” Yes, we are called to stand for righteousness and love and mercy in a world of unrighteousness, hatred, anger and bitterness. We are called to be lights in the contemporary darkness of a world riven by divisions and driven by unprincipled greed. People around us may be crooked or perverse but we need to walk the straight and narrow. We need to repay the evil that is done to us with good. In a time of prayer, the Lord revealed that we need to be like the lotus in the miry pond. We need to be above the filth and slime of the pond, a metaphor for the world. We need to be floating above it. We are in it but not of it. We are attached yet detached. Yet, like the lotus or like a star in the darkness of the universe, we will look bright, beautiful and resplendent, an emblem of the glory of God. Check out this video Prateep V Philip


  1. dear philip thank you for meaningful mail. great testimony you carry like the dimmest light shines brightest in the darkest night.continue to shine like that.
    in his grace,

  2. Yes! “ The dimmest light shines brightest in the darkest night.”

    It is true.

    As a lamp needs fuel for lasting its light,

    all Christians who are called for lights in this world need

    much prayers of prayer supporters and love and mercy from the above.

    I remember you in my prayer that you may shine brighter more and more and

    bring God's glory to the people in the darkness.

    with love

    Rev. Joo (Moksanim)

  3. Today's uni-verse is excellent and timely word.
    BL Buam
