Monday, February 27, 2012

Precious in His Eyes

Zec 2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye We are the apple of God’s eye in the sense that we are the focus of His attention, love and care. We are also the apple of God’s eye in the sense that we are the lens through which He sees the world around us. We are therefore precious in God’s sight. He will give people in exchange for our lives even as He gave His only Son Jesus for our sake. I believe that at Sriperumbudur where 18 people died in the blast,He gave some in exchange for my life. There is a kind of bargaining in Heaven where the Lord tells the angel of death, “ You can take this one and that but as for this child, you spare him or her.” He deems it righteousness and justice to send troubles of many kinds to those who trouble us without cause or without provocation. “ He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye” – this is a statutory warning of the Lord that holds good for all times. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Almighty God when His anger is aroused as Pharaoh and the ancient Egyptians discovered to their remorse. They suffered repeated plagues that affected their air, water, skin, food, streets, homes and children. The Lord increased the heat of His anger against the oppressive masters of His people progressively so as to break down the yoke of oppression, exploitation, bondage and resistance to God’s will. Moses asked Pharaoh to “ let my people go.” Today, we need to command Satan and his forces to let God’s people go, to free them from bondage of dead habit and sin, from fear and exploitation, from poverty and misery. In many nations they continue to be oppressed, harassed, discriminated against. In some nations, they face the threat of death as Pastor Youcef in Iran. The Lord will send a revelation of His glory as well as practical and progressive manifestations of His vindication in these nations as also in our daily situations even in the places and amongst the people with whom we live and work with. He will not permit any one to spoil our lives, our peace, our future, our reputation and our freedom. Prateep V Philip


  1. This is so beautiful. Praise the Lord. Wow to be the lens through which He views the world- a new thought for me Thank you
    Shanthini Kapoor

  2. I thank God for the continuance of your efforts. May God add His rich blessing to all that you do. Today's Bible reading and the passage you have added makes good reading and encourages us in the ways of the Lord as we continue to live as soujourners and pilgrims in this world.

    Samuel G Abraham
