Saturday, February 11, 2012

UV 321 WWW

_10,00UV 321/10,000 Amazing Principles of the Uni-verse revealed verse by verse
Nehemiah 4 v 17 The WWW principle
Neh 4:17 They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon.

Each of us is a builder and a soldier in God’s kingdom. With one hand we must do our work, the professions or our official responsibilities. With the other hand, we must gird ourselves or protect ourselves with the Sword of the Word of God. The Word is a powerful and effectual weapon for it pierces the places which no sword of steel can- the deepest core of both the user and the listener. Though it is not made of stainless steel, it will keep our souls stainless and steel us to fight great resistance and and aggression. It will help both in our building and in our soldiering. God’s Kingdom is built like a wall, brick by brick, one life by one life. Each of us have our own burdens or responsibilies to carry. Instead of being weighed down by these burdens, we must joyfully do our work with one hand and be prepared to fight with the sword in the other. We do not slay people in the flesh but we “pray and slay” in the spirit. There is nothing in the enemy’s arsenal to match the weapon of offence and defense in our hands for that little stance we take in faith will move the array of forces of God to act and fight on our behalf and at our behest. He will fight our battles for us but we are expected to carry our burdens, carry our own swords and do our own work.

If we look at the root of the words, “ Word, work, worship, worth” the common root is “ wor” indicating there is a commonality underlying each of these.
Perhaps, the spiritual and holistic equation should read :

The Word will enable us to know our Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ who commands all the awesome forces and armies of heaven, who comes riding on a white horse, with a sword from His mouth, slaying the Adversary of our souls. Our work itself is an act of worship of the Living God, who is both a chief Partner and the purpose of our work. Psalm 149 states that it is the glory of His saints to praise and worship God with our mouths, to carry a double-edged sword in our hands, to execute judgement on the nations and peoples, to bind kings with fetters and the nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them.
The Word will also give us guidelines for our work. The Word will equip us for our work. The work of our hands will be blessed in accordance with the Word. Our net worth in the sight of God and man will increase. We become worthy in His sight and He will call us “ good and faithful workers.” We can then confess like Paul, “ I have run the good race, I have fought the good fight.”

Prateep V Philip

1 comment:

  1. warm greetings to you in his precious name. thank you for the enlightening word of god you are sharing with many through email. it is a great encouragement to me in my day to day protects me through out the days work and enable me to do the correct job.thank you for giving me the word everyday and please continue the same

    Luke Ratnam
