Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Love that is Practical and Spiritual

UV 684/10,000 The Jesus Kind of Love When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “ Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “ Yes, Lord,”he said, “ you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “ Feed my lambs.” John 21 v 15 The Resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples a third time to continue to teach them and to confirm and establish them in their ministry. It is the resurrection power and anointing that transformed them from fickle and error-prone disciples into apostles to the world. Jesus showed his love for them in a practical way by guiding the hapless fishermen to a huge haul of fish in their hitherto empty nets. The spiritual implication of this gesture is that to this day, when believers look to Him for guidance when they seem lost, He will point to them the path to great productivity, profitability and professional breakthrough. Jesus again demonstrated His love for them in a practical way by keeping barbecued fish and bread ready to feed the hungry disciples who were out all night. Peter who had not forgotten the shame of having denied Jesus thrice is now asked thrice by the risen Christ, “ Do you love me?” It is not as if He was partial to Peter but it is a question He asks to this day every believer and disciple, “ Do you love me?” It is not enough to profess love like Peter with words but Jesus expects us to do what He did for the hungry disciples: to feed the spiritually hungry. He first taught them how to be successful in their profession-fishing and then fed them. Similarly, we ought to teach and train people to be successful in their lives and professions. Jesus tells each one of us today, “ If you love me, feed my lambs.” When we feed the lambs with the Word, they grow and mature and become sheep and some even become shepherds in their turn who feed other lambs. The people who mentored us taught us not just spiritual truths but they taught us practical ways of how to be successful in the different theatres or spheres of life. They also fed us from and with the Word. Today too, the Lord says, “ You are feeding my lambs, my sheep and my shepherds when you write the uni-verse and share it across the world.” It is a love for Jesus that is at once practical at first and spiritual, too. The practical expression of love comes first and the more significant spiritual expression comes next. Prateep V Philip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JhZjQS_a5Y Watch this video and be blessed

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful message and its interpretation.
    i believe that this is a message for me to " feed His lambs."
    Gul Kripalini
