Friday, March 1, 2013

The Banner of Love

UV 680/10,000 The Banner of Love “You have given a banner to those who fear You that it may be displayed because of the truth.” Psalm 60 v 4 When we fear God, He responds with love. He calls us to His banqueting house, implying He invites us to celebrate every moment of our life just as a bride is joyous in the company of the groom. The Lord is a “Bridegroom of Blood”, implying He proved His love for all mankind regardless of caste, creed, colour , class, gender or age. He proved it by the death of Christ Jesus upon the cross. After His death and resurrection, God has placed a banner over the head of every human being who has lived and will ever live, saying, “ I love you, my son, my daughter.” Those who read the truth written on the banner and believe it in their hearts and confess it with their mouths, will have another banner written over them: “ He/ she belongs to Me.” The way we live out our lives and our faith will lead to a third banner of victory to be held over us that states: “ Jehovah Nissi”. As we remain firm in our faith, He affirms us. A banner in military parlance is a rallying point. In political rallies too, a banner is a rallying point to convey a message to others. Our life itself is a banner for others. What is written on it needs to be bold and clear. It depends on us if we write on the banner ourselves or if we accept the banner that the Lord provides for us. We cannot hide the truth but we need to publicize it in the manner of a banner. God 's banner of love is displayed like a rainbow over our lives: He manifest His love and truth in our lives in a variety of ways: physical- He heals us, intellectual- He gives us wisdom, emotional- He gives us joy. Spiritual- He saves our souls, Financial- He provides for our need, Social-He blesses our family and friends,Creative-He gives us talents and abilities. In a time of prayer, the Lord gave a remarkable vision through prophet: He said that all the five fingers on your hand are anointed. The thumb is anointed for healing. The index finger is marked as “ Nissi” or victory over foes. The third finger is anointed for promotion and rise in leadership. The fourth finger is anointed that your hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied. The fifth or little finger is anointed that you can support and strengthen those who are weak and vulnerable. This together constitutes a miniature banner or a thumbnail banner that we can remember all the time and use it to muster our strength in all of life’s diverse situations. Prateep V Philip Listen to this Hillsong: His Banner over me is Love See this picture: God 's Banner of Love over us is a Rainbow: ://,r:7,s:0,i:101&iact=rc&dur=3359&sig=116801597118175419606&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=366&start=0&ndsp=12&tx=216&ty=37


  1. For some reason I can't stop my tears while reading this .... thank you Prateep and praise the Lord for giving you such deep revelations. Blessings,


  2. Thank you for today's UV- " Banner over me is Love". This message and the You tube hymn took me back to my youth fellowship days and the Saturday evening meetings. It was a very energetic feel reading the UV.

    What touched me most was the reading on the,anointing of your hand and what each finger represents. I will reflect, remember the descriptions and thank GOD for all His mercies. Thank you Dr. Philip for the wonderful rendering of the word of GOD.
    Michael Benjamin
