Friday, March 15, 2013

The Triple Blessing

UV 694/10,000 The Triple Blessing “You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, And Your right hand upholds me; And Your gentleness makes me great.” Psalm 19 v 35 Any battle or war involves offensive and defensive tactics, weapons and moves. Spiritual life is a lot like warfare. Salvation does not just give us eternal life in the hereafter but brings us the Lord’s favour and help in this lifetime. The Lord’s favour encompasses us like a shield in all directions or in 360 degrees. He protects our bodies from diseases and plague. As you read this uni-verse, claim prophylactically in prayer the protection of you and your loved ones from cancer, heart disease and other deadly diseases that afflict mankind. He preserves and enhances our reputation and testimony. He promotes us even as He took David- a mere shepherd boy and anointed him as king of Israel. Even after the anointing for many years, he remained a shepherd boy but the Lord took him through a series of misfortunes, exiles, attacks, insults, apparent reverses and adversity before giving him victory over every one of his opponents and rivals and installing him as king of Israel. Indeed, promotion does not come from the East or the West but it comes from the Maker of Heaven and Earth. So instead of looking to the East or the West, we need to look upward to the Lord Jehovah Nissi and inward to the Lamb who wrested victory for us and sits on the throne of our lives. Wherever there is a reference to the right hand of God as in this uni-verse, it implies the might of Jehovah El Shaddai, the Mighty One who parted the Red Sea and the River Jordan for His people to pass through safely. It means the blessing of security. His right hand upholds us as we walk in faith. We may go through not just the valley of the shadow of death but the valley of death itself but He will take us through. Finally and ultimately, His gentleness or His meekness or His clemency or kindness will make us great. The word ‘great’ means that He will cause us to excel. He will do it not in haste or with much pomp and show or with force but gently, quietly working on our inside, triggering change from within us. He will vindicate us. He will give us victory over our foes as well as our circumstances. In short, the uni-verse contains a triple blessing from the Triune God or from each member of the Trinity: salvation from the Lamb, supernatural help and favour from Jehovah El Shaddai and greatness from the Holy Spirit. Prateep V Philip Listen to this Blessong:

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