UV 2057/10000 Purposeful Mindfulness
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
Psalm 8 v 4
God is mindful of man. His mind is always filled with thoughts of love towards mankind though He knows how weak is our frame, how inconsistent our ways, that we were made from dust and would one day return to dust. The Son of God Jesus humbled Himself to visit us as the son of man. Though He is infinitely great and awesome, He made Himself to be as one of us. He who knew no sin or shortcoming or limitation made Himself limited by being confined to a human body, a human family and the privations and suffering of a sinful and fallen world. His mindfulness of us caused Him to visit us on earth. His mindfulness caused Him to embrace sin and its curses and redeem each of us from its power and penalty.
If the Lord is mindful of us and we are not, it will be unrequited love or love that is spurned. In response to such great love and care, we ought to be mindful of the Lord. Our minds should be saturated with His Word, with His thoughts, with remembrance of the things He spoke and did. Our minds and wills should be aligned with the mind of Christ. We should avail of the full benefits of Jesus visiting us from the Father’s kingdom. Mere mindfulness for mindfulness sake as is being taught by new age gurus is in vain. But when we are mindful of Christ, our minds are anointed. Our spiritual blindness will end. Our hearts and spirits will be revived and we will be able to live fully and wholly for His sake and by His power and grace.
When Jesus visited the house of Martha and Mary, the latter chose to be mindful of Jesus, to sit at His feet, to enjoy being in His presence, unmindful of all household responsibilities and earthly cares, to let His voice seep into her inner being, His words penetrate her spirit and heart, cleansing her from a sinful past, transforming her into a faithful disciple, the one to anoint His feet with precious oil of nard as a preparation for burial, the only one to be at the feet of the cross, the first to see the empty cave in which His body was buried, the first to behold the resurrected Jesus and hear His voice and words, the first to convey the good news of the resurrection of Jesus to the other disciples. When we are mindful of Jesus, we experience and witness many wonderful miracles, to receive many blessings and grace of the Lord.
Prateep V Philip
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