UV 2073/10000 The Vitality of Presence
Then spake Haggai the LORD'S messenger in the LORD'S message unto the people, saying, I am with you, saith the LORD.
Haggai 1 v 13
The Lord affirms through His word and through many godly messengers that He is with us. His unique presence is the source of our blessings, our strength, our help, our support , our deliverance, our salvation and our sustenance. It is His presence that distinguishes us from all other people on the earth. His presence is our refuge, our shield, our strong and impregnable fortress. His presence teaches us, leads us into all truth. We should therefore, not seek His presents or His gifts but above all, we should seek, love and honour His presence.
The presence of the Lord accompanies us wherever we go. He never leaves us or gives up on us at any time. When we go through the river of difficulties and challenges, it will not drown us. When we go through the fire of persecution and tremendous problems, we will not be consumed. His presence is like a fire that will melt our enemies like wax in a flame. His presence will fulfil all the promises we have received in faith hitherto and we hold onto as a shield. His presence gives us grace and peace in abundance. His presence fills the vacuum in our lives and hearts with joy as nothing else in this world can. His presence enables us to be our very best. His presence breaks every curse against us, blunts every weapon and assures or guarantees the enjoyment of every blessing in heaven and on earth. His presence enables us to see or perceive as we should and to hear as we should. His presence is the source of our security regardless of our external circumstances or situations. His presence delivers us from the flames of the furnace, the mouth of the lion and the waves of the sea. His presence gives us hope , confidence and courage.
The presence of God goes ahead of us a beacon light to guide our footsteps, our every decision and action. He comes behind us to guard us and cover our backs from any attack we are unaware of. He surrounds us with ample evidence of His care and love of us. He is with us as a wonderful counsellor, advising us, prompting us, goading us. He is with us as a Mighty King. He reveals His awesomeness in multiple ways. He is with us as an everlasting Father who never leaves us unlike our earthly parents. He is with us as a Prince of Peace in order to allow peace that is beyond human reason and understanding to rule over us in every storm. He is with us as a Mighty God who demonstrates and manifests His power and wisdom at every turn. His presence dispels darkness, ignorance, evil as authoritatively and decisively as light drives out darkness in an instant.
Prateep V Philip
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