UV 2060/10000 The Aroma
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place
2 Corinthians 2 v 14
The Lord God enables us to triumph in Christ always. He does so that the aroma or sweet fragrance of His name, His Word and His Son spreads to the entire world. The name of Jesus is itself like a fragrant ointment, the Balm of Gilead that causes miracles of healing, deliverance and salvation. The power of the Lord is revealed when we invoke the name of Jesus. The knowledge of the Word of God is also the source of the aroma of Christ. We cannot hold it back but just as the perfume from a broken jar spreads its fragrance right through not only the room in which it broke but right through the whole house. Similarly, the aroma of Christ is experienced through our words, our actions and our presence by all who come in contact with us. Mother Teresa is a good example of a believer who spread the aroma or influence of Christ everywhere in practical ways.
To some the aroma of Christ is the smell of death while for others who believe it is the sweet fragrance of salvation. The metaphor of fragrance and aroma is used in this uni-verse as salvation is an experience. It is tasted and it tastes good. When we do not conform to the patterns of the world but conform to the Word and are transformed from within so that we are evidence of the one who is good, acceptable and perfect sacrifice of the Lord, then we are the aroma of Christ. It accompanies us wherever we go and in whatever we do and with whomever we relate.
Our praise and thanksgiving for the wonderful experiences, the miracles, the acts of grace and mercy of the Lord in our lives are the aroma that reaches the very nostrils of the Lord. When we do things with selfish motives or wrong or mixed motives and attitudes , it ends up as a sacrifice that is rejected. We are to be like the sacrifice of Abel- a sweet smelling sacrifice to the Lord. In order to be so, we need to be sincere, wholehearted and fully committed in our devotion to the Lord. Our testimonies and our testimonial lives as witnesses of Christ in this world are the aroma that is pleasing to the Lord. We should therefore avoid any thought, word, action, reaction, relationship or transaction that is not a sweet smelling one to the Lord. In order to do so, we need the spirit and gift of discernment and we should exercise it as often as it is required instead of jumping headlong into every muddle. When we manifest the nine fruit of the Spirit, the very DNA of Christ- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control, we spread the aroma of Christ. Even if one is missing, say for instance self control, we could end up spoiling our testimonies and setting off a foul smell instead. Our lives should be like the alabaster jar of Mary that was broken to anoint Jesus with every drop of perfume of nard that was in it. Everything we do, professional or personal that we attempt should glorify the Lord. Jesus upheld Mary’ s example and said that she had done a beautiful thing for Him. Likewise, our lives should be a series of beautiful things we do for the Lord.
Prateep V Philip
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