Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Are We Tasteful?

UV 2129/10000 Are We Tasteful?
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34 v 8

The uni-verse pleads with us to taste of the Lord’s goodness. The only pre-condition to being able to taste of His goodness is our implicit trust in Him and faith in His word. We taste or experience the eternal goodness, grace, mercy and power of the Lord and discover that He is goodness personified. We derive all our blessings from our trust in His goodness and faithfulness. Yet do we ask ourselves whether we are tasteful to the Lord? His word is sweeter and healthier than milk and honey. Are our words sweet and healthy to His hearing? He is preoccupied with thinking about our well being and our benefits. How much of our thoughts, time and resources are devoted to such a One? We taste the precious promises of the Lord that gives us hope in all things. But do we keep the vows and promises we make to the Lord?

We who have partaken of the body and blood of Jesus- the sacred symbols- are we taking active steps to have our lives sanctified, our faith edified? The Lord looks for sweet and enduring fruit on the various branches of our lives? Only when these fruit appear in our lives, will He find us tasteful. Are we testing our love against the checklist Paul provided in I Corinthians chapter 13? Are we patient, kind, forgiving? Do we reflect the qualities of the Lord in that our faith, hope and patience never fail? Are we gentle and unhurtful in our speech and manners toward each other? Do we keep our commitments? Are we helping each other lift our burdens or lighten our burdens? For these are the attributes, attitudes and actions that will enhance the experience the Lord has of us even as we have experienced His goodness.

Are we joyful, cheerful and full of positivity and hope or are we murmuring and complaining about our lot? Are we contented with what the Lord has generously given us and not feel envious by comparison with the wages or blessings others have got? Are we enthusiastic about the word of God and imbibing as much as we can on a daily basis? Can the Lord trust us with greater responsibilities and gifts? The answers each of us honestly give to each of these questions will determine whether we are considered tasty by the Lord.
Prateep V Philip

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