UV 2116/10000 Making Life Snare-Proof
Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.
Psalm 25 v 15
Our eyes should be focussed on the locus of life- the Lord. If all our attention is riveted on Him, He will direct our energy, our thoughts, our lives. He will keep our feet from the snares planted for us by the enemy of our souls. Sometimes, He warns us ahead of time and despite His warnings, we plunge into the nets of the wicked one. The Lord then employs His strength to reach out and extricate us. The enemy lays different types of snares or traps for us at different points in our lives. Often, He stimulates wicked people to ensnare people even in the form of a set of bad friends. They pick up their habits of drinking or smoking or doing drugs.
The enemy targets our peace of mind, our health, our children, our reputation, our testimony, our relationships, our finances, our decisions. But as we trust the Lord and take shelter in His presence from day to day and even moment to moment, He keeps us vigilant and alert. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit residing in us as He tells us to take this path or not to take that path. We should be aware of our vulnerabilities and constantly seek the help and protective cover of the Lord. For our physical and spiritual protection, the Lord is ever ready to send His angels to guard our feet. As we focus on Him, He increases our inner strength and wisdom. We learn to make the right choices in life for very often our wrong choices cause a lot of misery and anxiety in our lives.
Developing a habit of praying all the time or unceasingly is a powerful practice that keeps our focus always on the Lord. We are aware of His presence near us all the time. We do not depend on our own understanding but lean on Him for wisdom. Spending some time every single day studying the word and the rest of the day trying to apply it is another powerful godly habit that keeps us from the viles and snares of the enemy and of this world. Another snare that the enemy uses universally to bring down leaders is excessive wealth and money. They take their focus off the Lord and their wealth becomes the source of their security and comfort.
Prateep V Philip
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