Monday, November 28, 2016

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For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
Job 3 v 25

Both our most dreaded fears and our most ardent hopes have the power of self fulfilling prophecy. We attract into our lives the very things we fear. If we fear a certain event in our hearts and confess it with our mouths, it will probably happen. Our fear becomes the seed of bad news. Likewise, our hope is the seed of good news. Job greatly feared that God’s wrath may rest upon him and he and his family might face some deadly disaster due to some wilful and unwitting words spoken by any of his sons. He openly stated that he was terrorised by the thought of destruction inflicted on him by God. Fearing evil is distrusting God, not believing Him to be our loving Creator and doting Father. Giving expression or confessing such fears is like cursing God for our beliefs have the power of limiting what the Lord can do in our lives. It is an expression of no confidence in an all loving, all knowing, all powerful Father and Saviour.

The story is told of a man who feared something disastrous would happen if he went outside his home. He remained ensconced in what he thought was the safest place on earth- his home. He locked himself into his room. But the irony is that a rare and deadly insect somehow entered that room and stung him. Indeed, our fears poke holes or chinks in the armour of faith. Imagine those who have no faith or hope. They are completely bereft of any protection whatsoever and are open for attack or spiritual assault from any direction. I recall my then boss, the Superintendent of Police of the district where I was posted in 1990. In May 1991, he told me that he feared something deadly or disastrous would happen to him due to an astrological prediction based on his horoscope. He began to be more careful and even more religious. He even asked his staff car driver to go slowly lest he met with an accident. But tragically, on May 21, 1991, the Superintendent of Police died due to severe injuries in the human bomb assassination of the former Prime Minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi. I survived with injuries on account of my faith which I expressed to him that “ God will protect me and my family.”

I just heard of a person who lost his job in the USA as he secretly feared for a long while that he might lose his job. We need to replace our fears with a faith in the living, sovereign and Most High God who revealed Himself through the prophets, His word and most fully through His son Jesus. Fear of God or faith repels all fears. It is a fail proof, fool proof, fire proof, sin proof, disaster proof, flood proof, bullet proof and bomb proof protection for those who trust Him. We need to wear the whole armour of God- from headgear full of assurance and hope, a heart of trust and love, a shield of faith in the specific promises of protection as in Psalm 91, Psalm 121 and so on, the sharp, heart-penetrating truths of the sword of the Word, the willingness and discipline of applying rightly the truths revealed and learnt, the feet and shoes to go places to be a w itness for the Lord.

Prateep V Philip