Friday, September 14, 2018

The Alpha of the Image of God

UV3060/10000 The Alpha of the Image of God
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 1 v 26
Of all His creatures and creation, God made man alone in His likeness, in His image. He gave man mastery over all other creatures. Man was made similar to God in terms of his subjection to a higher moral law, in terms of his leadership qualities, in terms of his ability to relate to fellow beings and to God. We are also spiritual beings even as God is spirit. We are made in the image of His Son Jesus even as Jesus is in His image. We are renewed in His image or made to conform to His image by the Holy Spirit. We are made glorious and we reflect His glory. He reserves the crown of glory and honour for us. We live and move and exist in Him and by Him and for Him. We find our purpose of life in Him.
All the glory, greatness, goodness, beauty, wisdom of the Lord is in us in seed form. The purpose of our life is to grow that seed to maturity and fruitfulness. The faculties of God like His creativity, His ability to communicate, His power to lead, His quiet influence, His ability to discern good from bad, His righteousness are present in some form in every human being. The emotional nature of God also exists in us in that like Him we can be glad, sad, angry, pleased, displeased, regretful. God is all powerful, capable of doing all things. Likewise, man is made powerful. Like God, man is autonomous and can make his own choices. In short, at our point of origin, we have the DNA or divine nature of the Lord. God wants us to image or reflect His glory and not to imagine Him.
The similarities end somewhere for man sinned and lost his pristine glory. We now take on a mixed character with some of the qualities of the father of lies- the enemy of our souls. We can be devious, lustful, immoral, wicked, proud, arrogant, unrighteous, vicious, short sighted and even spiritually blind or dead. We can lose our power to choose freely and be addicted to dead habits. In our blindness, we started to make God in our own image and in the image of other creatures. The enemy has sown these weeds in us when we were spiritually asleep or dead. As we willingly submit ourselves to the leadership, rule and guidance of the Holy Spirit, He will guide us into all truth and uproot the weeds sown in our nature.

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