Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Alpha of Jealousy

UV 3071/10000 The Alpha of Jealousy
For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
2 Corinthians 11 v 2

The Bible is the only book that says that God is like a husband to His people. As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so the Lord rejoices over His chosen, the believers in Christ. He loves us as no one else does and can. He loves us with a godly jealousy even as Paul regarded the people he led to Christ. While satanic jealousy prompts a person to take that which is not one’s or to desire it, godly jealousy is about zealously guarding the faithful, of building them up in perfection of faith and love. Satanic jealousy is a kind of rage or madness that provokes people to acts of violence and irrationality. The enemy of our souls wants to make us his own though we were not made by him or we do not belong to him.
Ungodly jealousy can often be witnessed among even those who profess to be faithful. It manifests as rivalry and competition. It is unhealthy and needs to be guarded against. Godly jealousy in contrast prompts us to be caring, diligent and wise. Since God is a jealous God who does not share His glory with anyone, we do not attempt to take the glory for ourselves but humble ourselves to attribute anything good in us or anything good happening in our lives to the Lord and to the Lord alone. This is also the reason we do not have any other mediator or intermediary other than Jesus to approach the Lord.
Love gives rise to godly jealousy while lust gives rise to ungodly jealousy. It is said that there is no cure for ungodly jealousy. But Jesus can rid us of all such feelings of jealousy if we take it to Him. We notice a feeling of jealousy even among the disciples of Jesus. The mother of two of them wanted to know where they would be seated in the kingdom of God. Jesus replied that the greatest is the ones who seek to serve and not be served. Godly jealousy implies that we have to do our best to present ourselves and those who we are responsible for as persons who are reflections of the character and love of Jesus.

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