Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Alpha of Justice

UV 3070/10000 The Alpha of Justice
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
Deuteronomy 32 v 4

The character of God gives us the templates of our conduct. He is described as the Eternal Rock- for He is unchanging and consistent. His character has a certain shape and is strong and powerful. The essential characteristic of God is that He is just and righteous. He is passionate about the truth and detests untruth, injustice and evil. He is just in all His ways- His judgement, His word, His decisions. He makes manifest His judgements- in other words, He reveals and make known His decisions. The fullness of His character is manifested in Jesus whose work and whose word is perfect. Jesus asked us to be perfect and just like His Father. But when we emulate Jesus, we are modelling on our Father in heaven.
We too are to be rock-like or strong, determined, consistent in putting into practice the principles Jesus teaches us. We will not err and be unrighteous if we practice the teachings of Jesus. We are to aim for perfection in terms of integrity in our work. We cannot soil our hands and our conscience with wrongful gain. Jesus taught us that godliness and contentment is the only true gain. In other words, we should strive to be like Jesus and contented with the blessings He has given us on Earth. We should throw our weight on the side of the weak and disadvantaged against the powerful and wicked.
We are to be just in all our ways including our judgement of others. We need to be fair in the way we speak of , speak to and treat others. The plumb line we need to measure both our conduct and our communication against to check for righteousness or justice is the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is our Helper who reminds us when we are at risk of going wrong and helps us come back on track.

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